Particle Counters
Air Particle Counter

Portable Air Particle Counter
- Easy area, location, operating parameter configuration and replication.
- Sampling plan wizard
- Flexible communication – wireless, Ethernet, serial and USB.
- Long Communication with dual hot-swappable batteries and Optinal 100LPM Flow rate.

HandheldAir Particle Counter
- Routine monitoring
- Light weight and comfortable for those hard to reach HEPA filters leaks.
- Clean room classification and Visual particle trending

Remote Air Particle Counter
- 0.3µm sensitivity counter designed for ISO 21501 compliance for data accuracy and reliability.
- Multiple communication options such as pulse, serials modbus, Ethernet, wireless and Analog.
- Reduce the need of replacement parts and the overall cost of ownership.
- Faster trouble shooting and reduced downtime.
- Reduce initial installation cost and subsequent reinstallation cost during routine maintenance/calibration work.
- Improve operational reliability during continuous monitoring.
Liquid Particle Counter

TOC Liquid Particle Counter
Fully compliant to meet all global pharmacopeia regulations for measuring TOC in water for injection (WFI) and purified water. This TOC analyzer delivers highest performance with unparalleled ease of operation and maintenance by dramatically simplifying the setup process, improving reliability of your results, and reducing overall cost of ownership. With the fastest calibration time in the industry, it also promises convenient validation as the paperless reporting allows all auditable reports over secure FTP protocol to a central server.

Lab Liquid Particle Counter
- Efficient Compliance
- Highly Flexible
- Advanced Diagnostics
- Time Saving, Faster and Easier and Protects your investment

Portable Liquid Particle Counter
- Efficient and intuitive to use and Immediate laboratory – quality on site results
- Reports SAE and ISO cleanliness classification, 4/6/14 µm(c)
- Harmonizes NAS 1683 to new MTD calibration and Full ISO 11171 Calibration options
- Standard bottle and online modes; multiple language support.
Online Liquid Particle

- Easily adapt to filter carts with auto stop when oil is clean.
- High temperature and pressure capabilities for harsh environment
- Designed for continuous online, maintenance free operation
- Log and export data for customized reporting
- Data available on highly visual local display in either ISO, NAS or SAE reporting Codes etc.