Totally reflecting everything
Portable Refractometers

Taking measurements in the field with a hand held refractometer has many advantages: You save time, you can make adjustments right away and you do not have to worry about transporting samples to the lab.
Our range of portable refractometers can be hand held or used on a flat surface as a benchtoprefractometer. These handy refractometers allow you to measure not only refractive index and Brix with automatic temperature compensation, but also Baume, HFCS as well as several built-in and user definable concentrations.
Glass prism
Refracto determines refractive index using the total reflection method. The glass prism of the measurement cell is held by a stainless steel ring.
Refracto even measures dark samples correctly. You no longer need to rely on error-prone readings of dark/bright transitions as with optical instruments.
Temperature compensation
The refractive index of a sample depends on temperature. During measurement, Refracto determines the temperature and then corrects the refractive index to a standard temperature of 20°C or any other temperature the user defines. To make quick measurements of different types of samples, you can easily switch between up to 10 user defined correction coefficients.
Benchtop Refractometers

Our digital bench top refractometers offer many more possibilities than ordinary digital refractometers, and are the best choice for a wide range of applications from routine Brix measurements at 20°C to refractive index determinations of bitumen at 100°C.
The LiquiPhysics Excellence RM refractometers can combine density and refractive index with cell modules. Moreover the systems can also be flexibly upgraded to measure pH, conductivity and colorsimultaneously.
- Simple
- Sound
- Automated
- Sophisticated