Near Infrared (NIR)



  • Optimize your processes,
  • increase manufacturing efficiency
  • Lower production costs with our rugged and reliable near-infrared (NIR) analyzers.
  • Offering lab, plant and field systems,
  • Provide flexibility and real-time analysis for quality assurance and process monitoring.

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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)



  • Extract useful chemical information for verification studies,
  • synthesize new compounds
  • Monitor reactions
  • Affordable NMR spectrometers.
  • Add this valuable analytical technique onto the bench for portable and convenient NMR studies, or place onto the production floor for small-batch reaction monitoring and QA/QC in chemical manufacturing.
  • Teachers will love the classroom-friendly design for organic chemistry or instrumentation instruction.

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Ultraviolet-Visible and Visible Spectrophotometry (UV-Vis and Vis)



  • Meet your analytical and educational challenges with our complete line of Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometers.
  • Our award-winning designs and user-friendly software help you quantify, assess purity and more. Rely on industry-tested solutions for the education, pharmaceutical, chemical, beverage, and basic research communities.
  • Innovative micro volume spectrophotometers for life scientists, to breakthrough solid sampling accessories for high-end materials research, we have the UV-Vis spectrophotometer to meet your teaching and analytical needs.

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Raman Spectroscopy

Every day, people are turning to Raman spectroscopy because of its analytical power, but usability and reliability determine its potential for a user.

Our design emphasizes successful use without compromise of performance, helping the spectroscopist, the materials researcher and the forensic investigator all to leverage Raman within the unique challenges they face each day.

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Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)

A highly diverse molecular spectroscopy technique and chemical analysis method. While FTIR is frequently used for polymer testing and pharmaceutical analysis, the application of the technique is virtually limitless offering both qualitative and quantitative analysis of a wide range of organic and inorganic samples.

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